I rode my shabby bike down empty streets
I rode my shabby bike down empty streets
To fly my flag on Veteran's day, no war
To fly my flag on Veteran's day, no war
No flag to fly my bike, war down on streets
My shabby Veteran's day, empty I rode.
Wet, drops and drizzle, soaked through spanish-moss
Wet, drops and drizzle, soaked through spanish-moss
The sky is filled with gloom, grey faces too
The sky is filled with gloom, grey faces too
Drizzle through, spanish-moss is filled and soaked
The sky drops grey faces, wet too with gloom
Uniforms walk in park, soldiers, brothers
Uniforms walk in park, soldiers, brothers
Unit flags with battle streamers jingle
Unit flags with battle streamers jingle
Unit flags jingle, streamers, walk in park
Soldiers battle brothers in uniforms
Soaked soldiers faces, fly, my grey bike
Spanish-moss drops down to empty park streets
Unit in uniform walk through drizzle
The sky is filled with flags, my shabby flag too
Brothers, I rode wet with battle and gloom
On Veteran's day no war streamers jingle.
this is beautiful maggie. i am grateful i was able to see you speak it. thank you.